Consumer Health Data Privacy Policy

Effective date: June 25, 2024

This Consumer Health Data Privacy Policy supplements our Privacy Policy and applies to the collection of
“Consumer Health Data” subject to the Washington State My Health My Data Act (“MHMDA”). 

Consumer Health Data that We Collect:

Sources of Consumer Health Data

People Science may collect Consumer Health Data from you as a result of your interaction with or use of our Services, including automatically when you visit our website, from third parties, and from publicly available sources.

Why We Collect and Use Consumer Health Data

People Science collects your Consumer Health Data as needed to provide you with the Services that you requested or authorized.  Primarily, we collect and use your Consumer Health Data to support your participation in research studies or clinical trials. This may include delivering and operating the Services and their features, personalization of Services, ensuring the secure and reliable operation of the Services and the systems that support them, troubleshooting and improving the Services, and other essential business operations that support the provision of the Services (such as analyzing our performance, meeting our legal obligations, developing our workforce, and conducting research and development).

Sharing of Consumer Health Data

People Science may share the Consumer Health Data described above for the purposes outlined in this policy.  In particular, we may share Consumer Health Data as necessary to support your participation in research studies or clinical trials.

Third Parties With Which We Share Consumer Health Data

People Science may share Consumer Health Data with our data processors, service providers and contractors who assist us in providing the Services you requested or authorized.  These companies may use the data only as permitted by our contracts with them.  

In addition, we may share Consumer Health Data as permitted or required by law, such as (i) with your consent; (ii) to an acquiring organization if we are involved in a sale or a transfer of our business; (iii) as needed to prevent, detect, protect against, or respond to security incidents, identity theft, fraud, harassment, malicious or deceptive activities; or (iv) to investigate, report, or prosecute those responsible for any action that is illegal under applicable law.

Your Consumer Health Data Privacy Rights

Subject to certain legal limitations and exceptions, MHMDA provides certain rights with respect to Consumer Health Data, including rights to access, delete, or withdraw consent relating to such data. You can request to exercise such rights by using the following methods of communication:

If we deny your request, you have the right to appeal that denial by contacting our Privacy Officer at  If your appeal is unsuccessful, you may file a complaint with the Washington State Attorney General at